Friday, April 20, 2007

Nice photo of you two. It looks like a tropical backdrop. good job. Dan took me to Er on 4/19. I had gotten back home after seeing my mom and about 915pm I suddenly had s sharp intense pain on my rt. flank. I took a couple of motrin and felt nauseated, cold sweats, then hot. I woke UD up to take me into ER. I could hardly breathe the pain was so intense. They gave me a cocktail mix of medicine which took away the pain and the shaking and a CAT scan confirmed that I had stones in my rt.kidney pelvis. They couldn'y see any moving at the time, but pain comes only when they move. We were back home by 2am and I slept ans snored all night. Dan got very little sleep. I have a script so that if the pain does return I can use the pills instead of ER. Nothing dull about our life in the quiet village. Ap


Anonymous said...

aw, get better!

at least they got you some drugs that help, that's always nice.

are you just going to have to pass them naturally, then?

i've heard some pretty colorful stories about kidney stones.

get well soon!

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